Wednesday, May 26, 2021

5 Ways To Get Rid Of Condensation Damp

Condensation is a common problem in Essex and other parts of the UK, so much so that the period of October to April is also known as the ‘Condensation Season’. As per the Rentokil property survey, there are about 5.8 million renters in the UK that have experienced the problem of condensation. Amongst all the types of damp, condensation damp Essex is the most common. 

Every year the condensation damp results in property damage and expenses. It’s very difficult to remedy the damp once it starts forming. In that case, you might need treatment for condensation damp in Essex. Hence, the best way to get rid of it is to prevent it. This article highlights five such ways by which one can avoid condensation.

What is condensation?

The process of condensation begins When the moist air comes in contact with colder surfaces. Tiny drops of water appear on cold surfaces such as the wall, window, or mirror as the air can’t hold the moisture. Along with property damages, condensation mould can cause health issues such as cough, nasal congestion, sneezing, etc.

How to get rid of condensation?

If you want to avoid the costs for the treatment for condensation damp in Essex, follow these remedies:


       Ventilate your home: Your room should be properly ventilated to allow moist air to make its way out of the room. Just keep the windows open every day for about 15 – 30 minutes. You may also think of installing air bricks to facilitate air circulation and prevent condensation damp Essex.


       Wipe the windows: Wipe the water droplets from the window as soon as you spot them. Make this a routine every morning since it prevents mould from building up.


       Take care of kitchen steam:  Naturally, the process of cooking gives rise to a lot of steam. This steam adds moisture to the air inside the house. This can be avoided by covering the utensils when you are cooking.


       Bathroom moisture: Bathing or showering does yield a lot of steam because of the hot water. One can install a fan in the bathroom that removes any such steam or moisture.


       Keep your house warm: Another way to prevent condensation damp Essex is maintaining a stable warm temperature throughout the home in cold months.

If you are still suffering from condensation dampness despite all these precautions, you need a professional hand.

At Anglian Preservation, we possess over 25 years of experience in treating condensation and moulds. Call at 07961321390 to get a price quote today!

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